Customer Reviews
$ 29.95
During the 1965-1966 season, Saturday morning audiences young and old tuned into ABC to watch Hal Seeger's new frighteningly funny creation and his misfit family of ghouls. The series starred Milton the Monster, a Frankenstein-looking monster with a flat-topped, seemingly hollow head which emitted various quantities of white steam or smoke based on his mood or situation. Seeger’s distinctive animation style, clever writing and a terrific voice cast make all 26 episodes of The Milton The Monster Show a pop culture treasure for the ages.
In a secret laboratory on top of Old Horror Hill, Professor Montgomery Weirdo and his assistant Count Kook created the most loveable creature known to mankind, Milton the Monster, using only the finest of ingredients: Essence of Terror, Sinister Sauce, and of course a full Tincture of Tenderness! Out of fear of his creation destroying him, Professor Weirdo intended to add just a touch of the aforementioned tincture of tenderness to the mold, but Count Kook bumped the Professor's elbow, resulting in too much of the tincture being added to the mix.
Milton's voice, which was based on the southern accent used by Jim Nabors in his television role as Gomer Pyle, was provided by Bob McFadden who also provided voices for Professor Weirdo's resident monsters: Heebie - a skull-faced, top hat-wearing ghoul with a Peter Lorre voice and Jeebie - a slow-witted, cyclopian, hairy green creature with a single sharp tooth that was often used to open soda cans. Professor Weirdo's nemesis was Professor Fruitcake, another mad scientist who lived in a castle on an opposite hill. Professor Fruitcake's major creation was Zelda the Zombie. Other characters in the series included Fangenstein, a biker monster apparently inspired by Marlon Brando, his sidekick Abercrombie Zombie, and Professor Weirdo's aunt, the witchy Aunt Hagatha.
In addition, the series also included cartoons featuring equally unforgettable characters Stuffy Durma, Flukey Luke, Penny the Penguin, and the most memorable of all, Fearless Fly.
Episode list
Episode 1
Fearless Fly: Trick or Treatment
Flukey Luke: Loot Pursuit
Milton the Monster: Zelda the Zombie
Episode 2
Fearless Fly: Horse Shoo Fly
Muggy Doo: Gogh Van Gogh
Milton the Monster: Boy Meet Ghoul
Episode 3
Fearless Fly: Fatty Karate
Muggy Doo: You Auto Be in Pictures
Milton the Monster: Monsters for Hire
Episode 4
Fearless Fly: Captain Fligh
Muggy Doo: Doo Or Die
Milton the Monster: Who Do Voodoo?
Episode 5
Fearless Fly: The Goofy Dr. Goo Fee
Muggy Doo: From Riches To Rags
Milton the Monster: The Pot Thickens
Episode 6
Fearless Fly: Sly Fly
Stuffy Derma: From Wrecks to Riches
Milton the Monster: Medium Undone
Episode 7
Fearless Fly: Throne For A Loss
Flukey Luke: Missin' Masters
Milton the Monster: Monster Mutiny
Episode 8
Fearless Fly: The Bomb's Rush
Penny Penguin: There Auto Be A Law
Milton the Monster: Ghoul School
Episode 9
Fearless Fly: Fly Hijack
Flukey Luke: Tired Gun
Milton the Monster: Hector the Protector
Episode 10
Fearless Fly: Si Si Fly
Flukey Luke: Palace Malice
Milton the Monster: Horrorbaloo
Episode 11
Fearless Fly: The House-Fly Guest
Muggy Doo: Fortune Kooky
Milton the Monster: Goon Platoon
Episode 12
Fearless Fly: Invincible Vs. Invisible
Stuffy Derma: Suit Yourself
Milton the Monster: The Dummy Talks
Episode 13
Fearless Fly: Fly By Might
Stuffy Derma: Hobo Hootenanny
Milton the Monster: A Pie In The Sky
Episode 14
Fearless Fly: The Sphinx Jinx
Penny Penguin: Penny Ante
Milton the Monster: Monstrous Escape
Episode 15
Fearless Fly: The Spider Spiter
Penny Penguin: Sickened Honeymoon
Milton the Monster: Abercrombie the Zombie
Episode 16
Fearless Fly: Fearless Fly Meets The Monsters (Pilot)
Muggy Doo: Crumb-Bumming
Milton the Monster: V for Vampire
Episode 17
Milton the Monster: Monster Vs. Mobster
Fearless Fly: Martians Meet Their Match (Pilot)
Milton the Monster: Witch Crafty
Episode 18
Milton the Monster: Camp Gitchy Gloomy
Fearless Fly: Lets Phase It
Milton the Monster: The Hearse Thief
Episode 19
Milton the Monster: Boo To You
Fearless Fly: Under Waterloo
Milton the Monster: Kid Stuff
Episode 20
Milton the Monster: Horror Scope
Fearless Fly: Lady Deflyah
Milton the Monster: The Flying Cup & Saucer
Episode 21
Milton the Monster: Monster-Sitter
Fearless Fly: Robinson Shoesole
Milton the Monster: The Moon Goons
Episode 22
Milton the Monster: Think Shrink
Fearless Fly: Private Fly
Milton the Monster: Skullgaria Forever!
Episode 23
Milton the Monster: Crumby Mummy
Fearless Fly: Stage Plight
Milton the Monster: Fort Fangenstein
Episode 24
Fearless Fly: Safari Harry
Stuffy Derma: Nuggets To You
Milton the Monster: Batnap
Episode 25
Milton the Monster: Dunkin' Treasure
Fearless Fly: Ferocious Fly
Milton the Monster: Monstrous Monster
Episode 26
Fearless Fly: Napoleon Bonafly
Flukey Luke: Violin Violence
Milton the Monster: The Mummy's Thumb
See more: DVD-R